Bardon Park

As many of you know, our Scouts group share the temple facilities and is often working within space constraints. For this youth meeting, we decided to meet at the local Bardon Park in Maylands.

We are so lucky the weather turned sunny with a slight breeze, a break in cold spells signalling the onset of spring that is to come soon. We had our opening ceremony on the lush greens and blue skies!!

Today we were proud to link our JoeysCubs, and CubsScouts... such an amazing group of youths to see them grow out from their shell and hone their scouting skills as they progress through the program! of course, our linking isn't just walking from one section to another, they had some obstacles to overcome, much like their scouting journey.. always learning always ready.

After the formal ceremony, our youths settle into their usual activities..

Scout sections were pitching tents (boys vs girls).. the parents and leaders inspected the tents and no doubt, the girls did it better. Good job girls!!

Cubs had some water bombing exercises and practice with paper plane folding which is part of their STEM learning.

As for our Joeys, they were busy learning knots and skipping ropes.. Everyone had so much fun we didn't realise the time was up and alas we had to part ways.. for now.


Father’s Day Rock Climbing


Archery - Bow and Arrows